Listening to the messages within…


As I worked in the garden today, which I haven’t done in such a long time, I just enjoyed being out in the sunshine with my thoughts. 

Over the last seven days, I have been getting several very clear and repetitive messages about where I’m headed, as I have been asking for clear guidance. I have been mulling over several different choices and spreading my time and energy over too many things – honestly I’ve not been travelling very far or gaining any real momentum. 

What’s the difference between coincidences and synchronicities (clear guidance)?? 

Firstly, when I first explored the question of my life direction, I always ask about providing clear messages that I will understand. So for me I usually have pretty vivid and surreal dreams, music 🎶 on the radio, the type of crystal I want to have and throw in abit of astral travel and I’m all set to receive. This means I receive messages from several sources, really authenticating the messages given. 

Secondly my intuition plays a massive role in having faith and trust in what messages comes to me. Without that, I would just continue to feel lost, helpless and just breezing through life without any meaning. I mean, what’s the point of life without any purpose right??!

Finally, the fact that my focus is on clarity and searching for answers, helps me to father the evidence I need to make that step toward a decision. 

What are the themes of the messages?

There are a few themes that have stood out over the past week, which can be relevant for everyone – love and relationships. Everything I do revolves around lobe and relationships because all of my career revolves around connecting with others and doing this through a love space. So what does this have to do with my future? Im at a crossroad right now, balancing and juggling between my health and wellness, working full time with young people, working as a coach and reiki master, and looking to expand my family. The core component to these areas always comes back to love and relationships.

In particular this love and relationships is more about myself – an internal worthiness for love and a knowing of myself, and allowing this to expand outwards to encompass others.

Tools to creating change

For the past four days I have been using liquid crystals. A special blend of three different crystals targeting specific areas to energetically heal – and the main one, you guessed, smariynd releasing issues of the heart ❤️. I will be utilising these for 21 days and I will be exploring what changes have come about because of this. 

I have also been using my collection of cards, but in particular, my sacred Geometry cards by Francene Hart. Wow. I love these cards and I love how I can connect with the sacred geometry on another level – to help feed the soul, so deep down, beyond the reach of the stars…..

So from here….

I now KNOW where I’m headed, what I exactly need to do, and all I need to do now DO IT!!  Easier said than done, just small steps.  I’ll keep you posted… Cheryl ❤️

Never let anyone get the best of you….including YOU!


For several months now, I’ve been urged to write again. Card reading and card reading, dream after dream I have been given the ‘signs’ – messages to express myself in more ways than I have. I really enjoyed writing, but even I didn’t realise why I wasn’t attracted to writing anymore – or so I thought I wasn’t.

I sat and thought about why that may be……I’m not good enough I initially thought! Followed by the little angel on my shoulder totally crushing that shit down and “explaining” to myself in my kind of way, who actually says that I’m shit at writing and honestly, I actually don’t give a fuck anymore. I can’t believe I let one ☝️ persons opinion stop me from writing for so long. It’s never too late to do a reset, to pick up from where I already started and to keep going. I remember the reason I started to write in the first place, to connect on all levels with others and to help each other. In this instance I became my own block – I’ve actually been doing that a lot, meaning I haven’t been loving myself and have been super hard on myself. Have YOU ever been in that situation? Where you’ve not realised that things in your life were not working but you just couldn’t put your finger on why that was. Well…………. now you know! You’re welcome 😊 hehehehe. Keep choosing to grow, no matter the outcome. It’s taken me a long time to realise that there is a world of potential inside me, in all of us…. we just to be aware of that fact. Then BOOM 💥….. it appears!!

Soooo…….in saying that, HERE I AM MO’FO’S, come at me. I’m back and thriving to get into some juicy stuff!!! 

Hit me up 🤙 

Cherie Amore ❤️ 

Creating a balanced you…


The lead up to the Super moon and the after effects of this has been absolutely phenomenal. Since learning more about the effects of the moon 3 years ago, I’ve slowly come to realise the magic of it…sensual and intriguing, inviting you in to discover more. 

Since being on this path, ive realised that there’s no such thing as coincidence and that you need to expect the unexpected; have faith.  By doing so leaves you vulnerable, maybe a little exposed and sensitive to others and the environment you’re in. And even though I’ve really worked my ass off to get to where I am now – that is trusting myself – there is still SO MUCH MORE to learn. 

For me and so many others I’ve noticed that with this suoermoon there has been a fuck tonne of releasing and letting go of shit. And why you ask? Such a great question! It’s because we’re starting to wrap up the year that is and journey forth onto another lighter level – a level towards more pure love for self and others. 

Have you noticed any impacts on your relationships? What are the common things that keep coming up? What about the synchronicities that seem to be appearing? These are the thoughts that might be coming up lately and you need to pay attention- don’t allow yourself to be somber in a stoop, because that’s not living….or loving!!

So what can be done about this?

Try meditation 

Meditation is easy and for those with people with limited time. You only need 15-20 minutes of quiet time. Allow your mind to clear and look within for the answers you seek.

Use complementary medicines such as Reiki, Crystal healing or flower essences

As a reiki master, I know the powerful yet gentle healing properties of this energy healing and how it can benefit our recovery as we release and let go. Crystals along with Reiki are also a powerful combination to create self healing.  If this resonates with you, I am available to help with a session in Brisbane, Australia by contacting me at

 I also really love flower essences, vibrational energy jewellery and Shamanic work. This affects our body’s on a vibrational level, with naturopaths and body work healers offering this.  Shamanism is a practitioner that can assist you to reach altered states of consciousness to tap into energies on various levels, creating a space to transcend earthly issues. If you’d like to know more visit several of my favourite healers on:

Sacred Soul Activation Raghida on Instagram

Gongs, Didgeridoo and sound healing

Something that I’ve tried recently is the phenomenal gentle impacts on the body through gong and sound healing. I tried this out for the first time last night, and wow, it not only made me feel so relaxed but it helped my body to become lighter, to become more open and balanced, running at an optimum level that it should be. Someone I use is:

So I want you to think about, when you’re feeling challenged or some ‘stuff’ that you’ve been trying to avoid starts creeping up, what will you do to help create a more balanced you? How will you know that you’re better? What will your life look like when it’s more balanced? Think about that, as we approach the new moon in less than two weeks – which is the best time to start new changes or projects. 

I’d love to hear you’re feedback as always. 

Much love and light to you all ❤️xo

Releasing and journey sharing


Yesterday was such an interesting day, there was a lovely energy to it. Spent the time with my family and felt really connected, on so many levels. Something I’ve really been longing for, for some time as my immediate family is not close in location.  A lot of conversation was had about different connections within the family and I’m not surprised by this because yesterday was the opening of the Lions Gate Portal. I felt energetic but also felt tired, almost a calmness. But I also started to feel some of the physical symptoms of ascension. Headachey, achey, moody, restless and just feeling swollen. I did some reiki with my crystal quartz wand and it help the pain ease enough to atleast be comfortable. 

As I laid in bed trying to sleep, different creative ideas just flowed to me. Something small that was blocked had dislodged, and some things that I had been putting off for some time in regards to future life purpose, have began to move and shift. As I began to nod off, I started to enter lucid dreaming. I can’t exactly remember the totality of my dream but the gist of what I can remember was about love, relationships, male figure role models, and LOTS of cash!   

  As I started my day today, I asked the universe to show me what I could do to help. I definitely was not motivated to get out of bed, just felt like resting because both my shoulders was hurting bad, in particular, my left side (masculine side). This really coincided with my dream last night. I was releasing ALOT to do with the masculine (men)! people in my life. The energy radiating down my arm, out of my hand was phenomenal. 

As the day progressed, I felt as those I was just kicking goals, really connecting to source. I came across several people today’s, whose stories really resonated with mine in some elements. I was so inspired, moved, amazed and felt there were lessons to be learned, stuff to release. We connected on a soul level, helping each other out. Being compassionate human beings. It helped me to be aware of things that if thought I had released but hadn’t released on all levels.  I felt my life purpose in full swing today. Using my words to connect soulfully, purposefully with others who just needed to hear what they were looking for, at the right time to hear and be aware. And at this time with the opening of the Lions Gate Portal it is even more evident that the energy we are experiencing is powerful and magnificent.  

How was this Lions Gate Portal affected your life at this time? What have you noticed aid happening for you at this time? What lessons will you or are you learning right now? 

These are some of the questions you can ask yourself… And I would love to hear all about it! 

With love and gratitude xo

Overcoming life’s little hiccups…

Overcoming life’s little hiccups…

As I write this post right now, I sit in frustration, thinking about how at the most inconvenient of times (as I was about to post to the blog), that I should lose all of what I’ve written and the message I wanted to share with you! 

It’s taken me 10 minutes now to actually just be able to write this post again, still feeling frustrated knowing there is a learning opportunity in this seemingly small hiccup. In the midst of my frustration, I noticed the impacts and changes in my body. I felt ill in the gut, vision become momentarily blurry, my body tensed up and my throat started to tighten. My head begun to be flooded with thoughts, images, feelings triggered by this one ‘little’ situation yet so significant right now.  Overwhelmed by what was presented before me, but consciously made the decision to keep going. What remains of the original post captures the relevance of the point I was trying to get across from my experiences yesterday. At that moment of frustration, I wanted to just throw in the towel, delete the post and be done with. Sit in anger and frustration and let it overcome me. Right now I’m eating the very words I was writing about! 

Moral of the story? 

At the times when we feel like we want to give up are the moments to push through, overcome the bump in the road and continue moving forward. This is what it means to be present and aware, to notice the learning moments, look for the message, utilise it and keep going. After realising this, the impacts on my body initially have now subsided and I still feel a little frustrated but I know it’s moving on. I continue to experience the synchronicities that I just need to follow my own guidance, because I have those answers within me.

I thank you for allowing me to share my experience with you and I wish I could hear of your experiences too!

With much gratitude and love xo

Here is my story:

I awoke yesterday morning, with no particular plan of what I was going to do today. I tend to just see what presents itself and go with the flow. This isn’t necessarily always great for me as I tend to get easily distracted. I did a spread of cards and asked myself, what do I need for this long weekend, what’s needed for me at this point in time?  It illustrated to me that in a nutshell I needed to follow the guidance coming through to me. I thought how ironic that this be the message because as I received this, I simply thought this message often presents itself to me…but why?? I took a few moments to reflect and then put away the cards and went on with my day. 

This was a day like every other Saturday, time for a cleaning up and getting the housework done. It’s so routine it’s almost become quite monotonous. None the less, a tidy house warms my insides and keeps things in order. I did what I had to do but kept wanting to get outdoors. Although it’s winter at the moment I felt like submerging myself in nature, tending to my baby succulents and garden. I’ve definitely neglected them including my poor gerabras that I left outside without any attention. I just wandered around the garden, admiring our beautiful gifts of nature and also noticed how neglected it has become. As I was going through clearing away the fallen branches and dead leaf matter, I heard the call of the Tawny Frogmouth high above. I hadn’t actually seen it but I could hear it. I’ve also never actually seen one, because from what I know of them they are camouflaged well and present themselves mainly at night. 

As I continued on, the Tawny Frogmouth swooped down in front of me then launching itself high into the jacaranda tree. As I looked up, my eyes connected with the Tawny Frogmouth and it just watched over me. It was in an exposed position, clear as day, which I thought was unusual for a bird like this. It stuck with me, why has this normally nocturnal bird appeared before me? I generally don’t pass off such occurances without reflection. 

I started to do some research and intuitively decipher what the message was. A major change was coming, and things are aligning for the better however there will be tests of faith and challenges up ahead. However it will all be worth it to achieve you dreams, I thought.

As I read more, the 8th August 2016 – 12th August 2016 is the beginning of the Lions Gate Portal, an awakening and ascension to something more significant, meaningful and connected. It happens every year and energetical it’s important for our growth whether we realise it or not. 

I know you’re asking yourself, what does this mean for you? 

It means our relationships with ourselves, with others and our planet are going to change. And definitely it doesn’t have to be at this moment for the change to happen but its significance is greater at this time. 

Don’t think this is relevant to you? 

Believe it or not changes are going to occur with or without you. As I mentioned earlier, being present and aware, noticing the little things and not passing them off as mere conincidence us a start.

What can you do?

  • Reassess the direction of your life….is it purposeful? Meaningful? What do you get from life?
  • Re-evaluate your connections…….do you have a good worth of yourself? What kind of connections do have with people? Is it meaningful? Do you need more connections?
  • Review how we utilise our resources…..this is not only about money, is about our consumption of goods, when we give and receive, who we interact with energetically and how we use our time. Think about do I really need this item? What purpose does it have? Am I giving just to look good or do I actually feel a sense of love without attachment in giving? Can I receive or are you blocking what could come to you?

These lessons will always be relevant until we fulfill our purpose and reach our highest level of goodness, of light and if love. ❤️ Don’t wait, start now, start small, keep questioning! 

The magic of truth…


Imagine this:

You are a caterpillar and that’s all you know yourself to be . You are stuck on the same leaf, munching away at the same food, hardly able to move. You’ve never thought of yourself as anything but a caterpillar because that’s what you see yourself as, right? And if you never realised you are destined to transform and become even more beautiful, mobile and free, you’d be stuck as this caterpillar for the remainder of your short life.

So, what’s the point of all of this? 

The truth is, a caterpillar KNOWS it’s destined for greatness, that it will transform into something great, something magical….its main purpose is to eat on the leaves its eggs were  laid on and stay there virtually immobile until it gets large enough to then cocoon itself away, for one of their most magical transformations into butterfly.   And once it has transformed, the payoff is that it gets to share its beauty with others, to brighten up their day, to bring forth a divine magic. And to continue on this great purpose, the butterfly does what it can to reproduce, to start this cycle over again.

What can we learn from the butterfly lifecycle???

Our ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the truth will set us free, it will set us apart from others but at the same time brings us together as one; as a collective. 

Have you ever come across others who tell you something that they wanted you to believe was the truth, but slowly the lies start to unravel and you begin to see the light of truth shining through, realising that they were trying to pull the wool over your eyes?? Now in our current world, we would likely to hate this person and even try to get back at them for deceiving you. But what’s really at play here? We are so concerned about getting one up  on everyone else, to compete for time and resources in this world, that we would sacrifice our integrity / peace/ love to be able to get this. Really what we are doing is excluding others from sharing in the wealth of resources, wealth of knowledge or our shared experience, to be able to grow and transform ourselves. This comes from a place of the ego mentality, not of beautiful divine love because we are concerned with not exposing our faults, our shortcomings and how we are triggered to feel less inferior – that’s why we don’t seek the truth because we can’t see the power that this would bring.

 As we consider setting ourselves free from the shackles that hold us down, we realise we can do greater things together rather than on our own. When we transition from a 3D world, which to put it simply is thinking all about our selves on an individualistic level, to a higher existence, we begin to shed away what’s weighing us down – our lie to ourselves – and transform into beautiful beings that share a collective thought, and purpose. 

What can you do to set yourself free??

  • Give someone compassion and understanding that their actions are coming out of a place that is not filled with love – treat them better than what they are treating you because they need it the most. 
  • Acknowledge for yourself when you are sitting in the place of the ego. You can do this but taking time out to reflect on your thoughts and prayer for the answer to be felt in your heart – your heart will be filled with lightness, love and you will feel at peace.
  •   You don’t have to be spiritual to be there for another in their time of need – this means you are giving love without the expectation that you will get something in return. 
  • Have fun, worry less, experience life, eat well, dance more and try new things. Move out of the box that your called home and start to just be, go with the flow, swim with the current not against.

If you have picked up on anything from what I’ve written today, I would hope that you can see that there is enough light and love for everyone. I do hope you will come fly with me……❤️💚      

The right kind of love…. 



How do you know when you’ve found the one?

Are we destined to spend the rest of our lives together or do we  experience love with more than one person? 

I never questioned this idea, my belief that when I find that one person in my life to live with for the rest of my life, that they will be my one and true love. Deep in my heart I know I have found the love of my life, he may not be the first one but is certainly my last…for this lifetime anyway! 

Over the last month or so, I’ve seen and experienced with people their need for love, but on another level, a need to belong, to feel connected. But why is this topic relevant now? Well talking about love and connectedness will always be apart of our lives…but is particularly relevant more recently due to the changes happening on our planet. We are moving to a higher vibration meaning we need to start to work as a collective force, to help each other and showing, giving and sending love is one way we can do that. 

Back to the last month, I have seen everywhere I turn a desire for love. But there is always someone or something in the way… But what?

The biggest issue that always seems to occur involves our fears; our self doubt, US…now you may say that I can’t help it, I’ve experienced bad things in my life, I don’t want to get hurt again. That’s a valid point it seems however how does this self talk, ultimately OUR excuses limit our connections and our ability to experience love? It stops us from being honest with ourselves, with others, we want the other person to make the first move, to do the work because it feels one that we are always trying! Argh….. But are we? Do we give ourselves an unconscious reason to fail, for things to go bad, to say, well, they didn’t try, see I knew. And in that that, who wins? 

FEAR does…ALOT and when we aren’t changing or are unhappy in our lives 

You may have seen what FEAR stands for and seen some clever acronyms such as:

Forget everything and run OR 

Face everything and rise

Certainly the latter is more taking charge and not allowing fear to run our lives but in this context for me, Fear stands for:

– Finding excuses and reasons OR 

– False emotions appearing real.  

You often don’t realising that FEAR is presenting itself as False emotions appearing real but that’s because we can convince ourselves so easily that this is it, it’s not going to change, and so it won’t, it doesn’t. 

What can we do to experience this little thing called love?! I’m glad you asked! 

  • Take time away and really give yourself time to reflect HONESTLY. If you’re reflecting honestly, bringing awareness to your true thoughts and feelings  will  relieve physical symptoms within the gut area in particular 
  • Communicate with your partner, friend or family member and talk with them in a way THEY understand. Be empathetic, patient and forgiving. Both to the person you’re talking  with and to yourself. 
  • Never give up or expect that the other person is a mind reader or has to do everything for you; that they need to EARN your love. This is just pure laziness and expectations that are unrealistic. 
  • Never forget that the shoe may have been on the other foot at some stage. 

The above are just a few ways to allow the love in, to unlock a happier and free flowing existence. What kind of existence do you want to have today, tommorrow and forever. I know what I want and that’s love but I just gotta know know where to find it…..

Where’s your love at?? 

With love & light

Ascension and awakening to the Fifth Demension


          As above, so below and 
           as within, so without….

I’ve had such a great experience yesterday. I’ve been able to attend the local mind, body and spirit expo – something that’s right up my ally!  I went with a friend and it’s definitely something I felt we needed to do together, and it was just to have a nice day out. 

As we strolled through the aisles, we came across a stand of two beautiful shamans. If you don’t know what a shaman is, I’m not the best at explaining it, but pretty much they are intuitive, powerful beings, healers of the highest vibration of light out of all healers. A modern day medicine women!

As I browsed the crystals (I’m always keen to add to my collection) I overheard the Shaman say that she’s recently returned from ULURU!!! My ears pricked up, because I’ve been dreaming, meditating, hearing and seeing information everywhere about it!  I felt an immediate connection with the Shaman. As I continued to browse, I commented on the other Shaman’s feather earrings. They were so intriguing, drawing me in to them. She said they are very special, and that I should be here. I didn’t realise that last bit though until now. 

We moved on from the stall, and as we went to move away, my friend and I started experiencing a cough. I thought I was carrying for my friend but soon realised it was something of mine. I then had the urge to go back, with my Clair audience kicking in and being to go back there now!!!! So that’s what I did. The shaman could feel I was meant to be there, and so too my friend. Interestingly we both were experiencing releasing of grief. I just started to cry and then the cough was gone. I felt connected and open, ready to embark on this wonderful journey. My soul was urging me to have a shaman healing, so I didn’t question it. 

I went for a short walk to give the Shaman time to prepare and came back at 1:11pm. Such an unusually exact time to arrive, but these repetitive numbers are purposeful in that it’s an indication for spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Wow!! 

As my healing began, I had to choose a crystal to begin the process of release, and I choose a massive chunk of smoky quartz crystal. I began to “breathe out” any feelings or times I was out down or down trodden into the crystal. There were many instances of this…so I didn’t have a problem with doing this. As I began to release, and connect with the crystal, I could feel a calmness come over me. As I lay down ready to continue my healing, I experienced the following sensations. 


I experienced a psychedelic colour show of several colours in my minds eye – beautiful greens (healing), indigo (divine), blue, red, orange and yellow. The main colours were green and indigo but also saw golden beams of light at the crown chakra. 


– I saw an ancient native Indian medicine man and aboriginal indigenous elder – memories of a past life, my soul recognising who I was truly.

– I watched as a tiger slowly  approached me, sit in front of me, connecting with me through my minds eye. Such a sensual, beautiful creature.

– I transcended above high into the sky, stretching out my wings like a eagle in flight; freedom!

I witnessed several of my spirit guides who were with me at that time, Mother Mary, and two other male guides.

– Then it felt as though I was on a roller coaster soaring high into the sky then dipping down straight into a forest then back up and down again. And then all of a sudden I know I returned, the ride was over but the journey had just began. I felt light and unsteady on my feet. The shaman told me that she saw John the Baptist as a guide and spoke about his affinity with the St. John’s cross. Little did she know about this very same cross being tattooed on me 3 years earlier. She also some about the unusual occurrence that my female guide appeared on my masculine side and male guides on my feminine side. This is quite special. She also asked me to visit Mt. Warning, a sacred place in NSW for the indigenous people.

After our connection, we embraced with a warm heart hug, and I could feel the connection deepen. Wowsers! The love I felt was amazing, and I could feel my body release, because I went to the bathroom 3 times in the space of half an hour! And as the day continued, I started to feel tired, and this was normal because sleeping integrated the healing done and created synergy.

I returned home and continued to release, but also I felt good (and tired). I went to bed early and awoke at 2:20am, like I’ve been every night for the past couple of weeks. This is an indication of my awakening. So today, I had many comments on how good I looked, I looked different but in a good way – they just couldn’t pinpoint it, but it’s because I’m lighter, ascending to what was explained to me yesterday, we are moving from a 3D world to a 5D world. 

Whether you believe it or not, eventually you’ll be left behind and want to catch up because you’re not gonna want to miss out! 

I’d love to know your most recent experiences…with gratitude I thank you.

As always, much love & light xo 💚

Let it go….it no longer serves you!!


Today was such a great day, a day of learning, recognising and being aware of issues that no longer serve their purpose in our life. So beautiful!

It’s about connectedness with others and our consciousness of the world around us. I have come across 3 people today including myself that were apart of each others “life stories”. What I mean by that is as we are living our life, our lessons in life may be synchronised or shared with others and sometimes this triggers us or another persons behaviour may bother us. This is because this is our lesson to learn and this is one way we are shown this lesson. That’s the thing about connectedness, it’s a constant exchange of energy, giving us the opportunity to vibrate our energy higher, closer to that of pure love. 

So with today’s exchanges, the theme was letting go of what no longer serves you. I shared a beautiful experience with a person who thought they had released the emotions attached to a previous relationship. I could feel her energy, the emotion, hear the story. I received an image through clairvoyance and at that moment decided to send through beautiful healing divine loving energy, sending this directly to her heart using Reiki – filling the void that was just released. 

As the day progressed, more stories between us started to emerge, forgotten hurts began to bubble, and life lessons presented itself. In the end, some of the issues that no longer serves us was able to be released but there were others that came up in surprise. And what helped us to release: LOVE….

Love heals all! I never really understood that but as I choose to let go of this physical worlds low density of energy, I begin to allow LoVE to flow abundantly in my life. And that’s something I wish for you all on this day. Sending you all beautiful loving light energy 💚💚

Love and light to you all xo ❤️

Symbology – Indigenous Aboriginal People 



It’s been some time since I last blogged on my page and when I look back it feels like eternity.

Much has changed and occurred over these last 4-5 months that could last me a lifetime. I often forget to write about some of my spiritual experiences.  It’s not that I’m lazy, I just forget or sometimes I think well who would be interested in what I’ve got to say. 

But I’ll give you an update of what has been happening until until my last dream which contained some Indigenous symbology. 

The most common theme I’ve experienced of late has been around my peaked interest in the Indigenous Aboriginal people of this land, Australia. 

Now I can’t say before now, I’ve ever had as great of interest in this ancient culture as I have lately. I been thrusted forward with images, desires and feelings to connect to the original custodians of this great land. I’ve really been attracted to the idea of travelling to ULURU, in Northern Territory, Australia. Since then I’ve had multiple dreams and visions of being on top of this Earthly Chakra. Dreams of being propelled through the core of the earth, up through the centre of ULURU, only to be greeted by a traditional aboriginal man, in traditional dress – spear, clothing and symbols painted on the face.  My growing fascination for ULURU intensified, and Infound myself bewildered with constant dreams of the culture.  My connection was made clearer one day when visiting the crystal castle (Mullimbimby, QLD).

 I sat on a beautiful clear quartz seat, automatically charged and protected by a small village located in Northern country Italy. I envisioned myself being at the bottom of of ULURU and I was standing within a sacred circle with of indigenous men, clothed and dressed traditionally. I transformed into and hovered over a person who was now essentially “me”. I was a younger indigenous man being initiated into the circle. I drank this drink and an elder started to sing as my soul lifted out of my body and flew toward the atmosphere. I found myself transformed into tiny particles and I drifted among the  belt of Orion – the star constellation. From there I was able to shape shift and turned into little atom particles. Now I found myself in another universe, another planet. The crystal planet. Beautiful quartz crystals lined the surface as far as the eye could see, it was magical. After some time, I transported back to Earths surface and I was now in my original body, then came to out of my meditation, into my own body. 

But my most recent dream involved seeing some beautiful indigenous symbols. The first one involved me looking into a hidden cave,and inside  the walls covered onto it were multiple overlapping hand prints sprawled across. 

 The next part I dreamt, I was facing an indigenous man, painting traditional dress. He painted  three white vertical lines on my hand, my right hand to be exact. Then I saw a projection of these three lines, through my third eye. After this, I woke up.

I’ve yet to put all the pieces of the puzzle together but I do know this connection with Indigenous Aboriginal peoples is growing exponentially and my soul needs to explore this ancient culture for itself. 

Whatever it means, I’m buckling myself in for this amazing journey I’m embarking on!

With ❤️ and light xo